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dabbling in life: One Little Word

Friday, December 30, 2011

One Little Word

2012 is fast approaching and there is talk everywhere about your "word" for the new year.  I've never had success with resolutions -- too many I will NOT's when I know of course that I will.  But a word is more of an intention for the year. My word for 2012 is organize.  I didn't struggle to find a word, organize just seemed to be the natural choice.  In my professional life and with a BIG sigh of relief, I have let go of governmental auditing.  Without those audits hanging out there, I'm actually looking forward to tax season.  And I'm organizing and loving it!

Once again, I'm participating in Ali Edward's "One Little Word 2012."  There are lots of websites and blogs with activities, suggestions and even worksheets for choosing your word.  I like Ali's monthly prompts and having something tangible to remind me throughout the year.  For 2011 my word was nurture, and you can read about it here.  I was very new to all of this creative stuff and suffering from the "perfection malady".  I'm happy to say that I've mostly gotten over it.  And this year I have supplies!!  How fun is this going to be.  2012 isn't even here and I have already created my pre-class assignment.

I'm thinking that I'll continue with the 2011 prompts (no, I didn't do all of the assignments) for nurture, along with the 2012.  After all, we can't nurture ourselves too much.

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At December 30, 2011 at 11:48 AM , Blogger Teresa Cash Art said...

Organize is a very good word. I do not like to clean house but I want my house to look nice if people stop by. My solution..... keep it organized, tidy and no one will notice the dirt.

At December 30, 2011 at 11:48 AM , Blogger Teresa Cash Art said...

Organize is a very good word. I do not like to clean house but I want my house to look nice if people stop by. My solution..... keep it organized, tidy and no one will notice the dirt.

At December 30, 2011 at 3:07 PM , Blogger This Moment said...

Nice inspirational post! Organizing is huge for me too--I always WISH I was more organized--I know wishing doesn't make it happen. I've even thought about getting a professional organizer in to help out in our office because it's also the room I create in, which makes it pretty cluttered and disorganized. Since my word is COMMIT, I'm going to commit to find better ways to organize and hopefully stay that way! Best wishes with your intention. Happy 2012!


At December 30, 2011 at 5:24 PM , Blogger Ann Marie said...

Awesome! I love to organize and to be organized. I sort of use to be overly organized (if that is possible) and have learned to live with disarray here and there. Here's to a wonderful 2012 for all of us.

At December 30, 2011 at 10:03 PM , Blogger What Remains Now said...

I'll look forward to seeing your "assignments" in 2012. I checked out the 2012 Creative Color Challenge and I'm going to join you.


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